Want to give your guests a little somethin' as a token of how much you love them on your wedding day? Do you need gift or favour sign wording that won't make your or your guests cringe? We've got you sorted with our handy PDF guide for favour sign wording right here.
what's a little (wedding) favour between friends?

There's no sweeter way to know you're loved by the bride and groom by getting a cool little favour or bombonniere to remember the night by - the dancing, the celebrations, the shenanigans in general that come from being a part of an awesome wedding, you know the drill!

Show your guests a little love and let them know that you've gotten them a little gift with a favour or bombonniere - we've compiled a great selection of favour wording templates and examples to make sure your guests know how much you love them.

Make it obvious those bombonniere are for your loved ones.
There's so many awesome ways to style and show off your favours, guest gifts or bombonniere. From a favour table with one of our beautiful favour signs, to a gorgeous sticker on each gift popped at their place on the table, however you want to showcase your guest gifts is entirely up to you. Here's a few handy tips on some of the different options you can choose.

Have a favour or gift table at your reception.
Having a favour table or display is getting pretty popular these days - and we know why. It's a fantastic way of making sure your dining tables aren't cluttered with a million things, and it also makes it so much easier for guests to grab a bombonniere on their way out instead of forgetting it at their table. And clean up is a breeze as well - instead of needing to rely on someone to go around to every single seat and grab any forgotten favours, it's all in one place, saving time and worry. Just make sure there's a sign to let guests know that it's there!

Want to have a bombonniere at each seat on the guest tables? Easy as - drop the signage!
You don't want to worry about a big honking sign at every single table if you want to put your wedding favours on each table setting. Think about a sticker on each individual bombonniere box or bag, or grab a quote for favour tags or custom favour boxes, personalised gift wrap or even custom printed ribbon - we can and will gleefully create anything your heart desires.

Add a personal touch and be your guests' very own "Favour Santa".
Not as common, if we're honest, but each of the Paper and Ink team have actually been to weddings where the couple and their wedding crew - with absolute joy - popped around to each table and gave out their bombonniere or favours like it was Christmas. So if you want to add a personal touch this approach might be for you. You can also have one of your nearest and dearest (older nieces and nephews are GREAT for this!) do it on your behalf.

Announce the favours or bombonniere during speeches or have your MC do it.
If you've gone for the favour table, even with a sign some guests might miss it - so you can always ask your MC or DJ to mention it during the night, or you can let your guests know that you love them and have a little somethin' somethin' for them, just over there.

Donating to a charity in lieu of favours?
No problem with that at all - donations to a charity that mean the world to you and your love can make all the difference in that charity being able to continue their epic work. If you've gone this route, why not print this message on your guest menus or have a small sign made up for each table to let guests know that you've donated in their honour? You can explain why the charity means so much to you both as well.

Triple-check your details and wording!
It never hurts to get a second and third person to check your wording! You get so used to what you've written that your brain automatically scans the first and last letters of each word, so you may skip any tiny typos just because you've been looking at your wording for too long. So get friends or fam to do a check for you just to be safe.

And that's it! Quick, easy, and not as scary as it looks, right? Right! But as always, if you need a bit of a hand or some suggestions to spice up your bombonniere or favour wording, just get in touch. We love to chat and we're always here to help!