Need help crafting the perfect wording for your RSVP cards to make sure your guests reply in time? We're here with a free guide to putting together the reply card wording of your dreams.
get an accurate guest count before your big day!

RSVP-by dates are an essential part of your wedding invites - how else are you going to know who is coming and who isn't so you can get your venue, caterers, and seating plans in order? Whether you choose a separate RSVP card that guests can post back to you or just want to pop the RSVP information on your invitation, just remember to include these important details:

♥ The call to action - Kindly RSVP or Kindly reply by (date).
♥ How you want your guests to reply and who they need to reply to.

We've covered a whole range of options and reply card wording examples in this handy PDF guide!

Make those replies easy for you and your guests.
There's only a few hard and fast rules for crafting your perfect RSVP card wording - we've gone through the most important things to consider and include so you don't have to stress if you've put everything in. Just follow these tips to make your reply card wording easy and worry-free.

Get the timing right for your reply card.
Having a solid RSVP-by date is non-negotiable - after all, wedding planning is an extreme sport as it is so you don't want to spend time chasing people up when you could be enjoying that wedding planning buzz instead. The best way to work out your RSVP-by date is to count back 6 to 8 weeks from your wedding date - that's now when you need your guests to reply by. In a pinch, 4 weeks is the absolute minimum amount of time. This then gives you and your love time to chase up any stragglers who haven't RSVP'd, give your final numbers to your caterers and venue along with a list of dietary needs or allergies, and organise your seating chart, placecards and guest favours.

When setting your RSVP by date, it's also a great idea to talk to your venue about when they need a final headcount by so you can factor that in as well. No use setting an RSVP date when you need the replies a week earlier than that!

Decide if you want an RSVP card guests can post back to you or not.
This is a great thing to think about, especially if you want to stick to your budget like glue or know that your guests aren't that tech-savvy. If you want to keep the wedding cash under control, consider including your RSVP information at the bottom of your invitation or printing it on the back of your wedding invite - you can then have your guests reply by phone, text, email, or a wedding website, and also include a QR code if there's space.

If you know it'll be easier for your guests to reply by mail - or if you love the look of a separate card and the excitement of getting mail that isn't a bill - consider a separate RSVP or reply card that can be posted back to you. This could be an RSVP postcard that guests fill out and send back as-is, or a card and envelope that's already addressed.

Going for a post-back RSVP card? Include a stamp!
We know, it's another cost to factor in, but if you've gone for an RSVP card you want guests to post back to you, make sure you've included a stamp to make it easy as possible for guests to respond. You'll find by doing this little extra thing you'll get most of your replies straight away as you've taken away any extra work on their part - which means you won't have to add extra stress on yourself by chasing up 90% of your guest list!

We can also create custom postage stamps to match your wedding invitation design, so chat to us for a quote!

Get as much information as you can from your partygoers.
If you need to make sure your menu accommodates everyone's dietary needs, make sure you include a space for guests to write that down or ask for them to let you know of any requirements. If you want a song choice to make your wedding playlist even better, add that in too! And if you're planning on supplying transport like a bus service, or even having a day-after celebration, include that on your RSVP so guests can have a seat saved for them or so you know if they'll be there the day after to continue the party.

If you've got guests who'll invite total randoms, consider personalised RSVP cards.
This is a rare occurance, for sure, but we've had lovely couples over the years who just knew Uncle So-and-so would invite absolute strangers that they didn't want or plan for. And let's face it, your wedding is about you and your love - not Bob from Accounting who works with your uncle's sister's cousin's hairdresser's old army buddy. The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to talk to us about having guest names printed on each RSVP card - and only the names of who you want there. It gets the point across pretty quickly!

Triple-check your details and wording!
It never hurts to get a second and third person to check your wording! You get so used to what you've written that your brain automatically scans the first and last letters of each word, so you may skip any tiny typos just because you've been looking at your wording for too long. So get friends or fam to do a check for you just to be safe.

And that's it! Quick, easy, and not as scary as it looks, right? Right! But as always, if you need a bit of a hand or some suggestions to spice up your RSVP card wording, just get in touch. We love to chat and we're always here to help!