I first came across this wedding planner before the company changed names, and I loved it so much that I bought four for my friends when they first got engaged. It’s packed with all the essential information anyone would need when planning a wedding. My friends all said it was everything they needed, and some were surprised by how much there was to consider when planning a wedding. It’s thorough, informative, and super helpful.
Now that I’m engaged, this planner was my first purchase for my wedding planning journey. It’s been the perfect starting point for organising everything and making sure I don’t miss a thing. It’s not only practical, but it’s also personalised and makes a beautiful keepsake to look back on. If you're just starting your wedding planning, this planner is an essential tool to help guide you every step of the way! It’s more than just a planner; it’s a memory keeper and a great way to stay organised as you bring your dream day to life.
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